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The aim of “Gecko” is to centralise and automate the consulting process for consultancies and professional service companies.

Consulting Manager - the consulting management software solution

The primary aim of the “Gecko” software is to centralise and automate the consulting process for consultancies and professional service companies.


This product will make life much easier for consultancies – it will increase their productivity, rates of recovery and allow them to do more consulting with their time –thereby substantially increasing their consultancy revenues.


Currently many small to medium professional service consultancies (typical under 1,000 people) depend on multiple Word, PowerPoint and Excel documents to manage their client engagement. It is chaos – an unorganised mess.


Every consultancy worldwide follows the same 5 steps to manage a client consulting engagement.  Our software centralises this process is one place.

Consultancies need a software application that will cover both the client relationship (i.e. the CRM function) and also the project itself (i.e. the project management function).


Our experience and market research indicates the market is lacking a tool that does both of these tasks successfully - in one place - built specifically for consultancies.


Existing project management and CRM type tools help with part of this process, but there is no overall holistic consultancy application (according to our market research) to manage the end to end consulting process

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